Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good mewrning!


And a great big Good Mewrning to all of mew!

I guess word is spreading like wildfire that there's a new cat in town, because quite a few of mew stopped by to greet me. So, thankmew to all who did! I wish you could all visit me here in New York City. It gets lonely sometimes, even though I hear there are about 142 million people who live on the Times Square subway platform alone and there are at least 500 times that many cats!!

I like my mom well enough, though, but don't let her know that. I like to pretend to be all comfy and cozy on her lap, reaching up every once in a while to stroke her chin with my delicate and tender left paw (made of velvet, I'll have mew know!), and then, when she least expects it, I'll use that same lap as a springboard, and jump up really fast, usually spilling something in the process. She pretends to get frustrated with this, but I know she secretly LOOOVES it!

Have a really wonderful day, to all of mew groovy cats out there!


  1. Hi Shana! I just read about you at the Cat Blogosphere and wanted to come over right away and say hello. Looking forward to getting to know you better...

  2. I do the same thing to my mom...we can't let them think we like them too much.

  3. Hi there! It's nice to get to know you!

  4. Hi, everybody! Welcome, all! MEOW!

  5. Hi Dash! It's good to meet yoo. I added yore linky to ours and to the Cat Blogosphere linkies too. Woo hoo! We can't wait to know yoo better.
    Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

  6. Hello Dash! We saw the news over at the CatBlogosphere. So welcome to this crazy little corner of the innerwebs.

  7. Hi, again, mewcomers! I am very amewsed when mew call me DASH, especially since no one except my mom and Piggy and Grover's mom ever called me that before I started this blog earlier this week! MEOW!

  8. Welcome Dash! It's nice to meet you!

    We love playing that same game with our Mommy - don't worry even if they yell the secretly love it :-)

    We can't wait to read more of your adventures!

  9. Hi

    Nice to meet you. Tell your humans we want pictures!

  10. HI! Nice to meet someone new. I will tell my bean to add you to our newest linkies!

  11. Welcome to the CB! Slink over and visit our blog sometime:)

  12. Welcome to cat blogosphere. I for one would like to hear the story of how you come to be found on train tracks.

  13. Hi! Nice to meet you. I am also a rescued "House Panther" (also known as a "black cat") I'd love to hear your rescue story.

    I hope you'll come visit me sometime as I love making new friends. I am an only kitty too so this keeps me company.

    PS my mommy says the same thing about "General Hospital"
